Uses of Interface

Packages that use SymbolFactory
jcckit.plot Classes for generating plots and charts. 

Uses of SymbolFactory in jcckit.plot

Classes in jcckit.plot that implement SymbolFactory
 class AbstractSymbolFactory
          Abstract superclass of all SymbolFactories.
 class BarFactory
          A factory of bars.
 class CircleSymbolFactory
          A factory of circle symbols.
 class ErrorBarFactory
          Symbol factory for creating symbols with error bars.
 class SquareSymbolFactory
          A factory of square symbols.

Methods in jcckit.plot with parameters of type SymbolFactory
 GraphicalElement Legend.createSymbol(int curveIndex, int numberOfCurves, SymbolFactory factory, boolean withLine, GraphicAttributes lineAttributes)
          Creates the symbol part of a legend symbol.