JCCKit: A Chart Construction Kit for the Java™ platform
(home page: http://jcckit.sourceforge.net) JCCKit is a library and framework for creating scientific charts and plots.


jcckit Application and applet classes for immediate use.
jcckit.data Data classes.
jcckit.graphic Classes for representing a plot or a chart in device independent coordinates.
jcckit.plot Classes for generating plots and charts.
jcckit.renderer Renderer classes.
jcckit.transformation Classes for the transformations between data coordinates into device-independent coordinates.
jcckit.util Utility classes.


JCCKit: A Chart Construction Kit for the Java™ platform
(home page: http://jcckit.sourceforge.net)

JCCKit is a library and framework for creating scientific charts and plots. Only JDK™ 1.1 classes are need. Thus it runs with PersonalJava™ implementations.

Renderer for Graphics context, Graphics2D context (needs Java 2), and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) exit.