Uses of Interface

Packages that use GraphicalElement
jcckit Application and applet classes for immediate use. 
jcckit.graphic Classes for representing a plot or a chart in device independent coordinates. 
jcckit.plot Classes for generating plots and charts. 

Uses of GraphicalElement in jcckit

Methods in jcckit with parameters of type GraphicalElement
 void GraphicsPlotCanvas.setMarker(GraphicalElement marker)
          Defines a graphical marker which will be drawn on top of the plot.

Uses of GraphicalElement in jcckit.graphic

Classes in jcckit.graphic that implement GraphicalElement
 class BasicGraphicalElement
          Abstract superclass of all basic GraphicalElements.
 class GraphicalComposite
          Container for GraphicalElements.
 class Oval
          An oval (i.e.
 class Polygon
          A polygon or polyline.
 class Rectangle
          A rectangle.
 class Text
          A single line of text.

Methods in jcckit.graphic with parameters of type GraphicalElement
 void GraphicalComposite.addElement(GraphicalElement element)
          Adds the specified element at the end of the list of elements.
 void GraphicalComposite.replaceElementAt(int index, GraphicalElement element)
          Replaces the specified element at the specified index of the list of elements.

Uses of GraphicalElement in jcckit.plot

Methods in jcckit.plot that return GraphicalElement
 GraphicalElement SymbolFactory.createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
          Creates a symbol for the legend at the specified position.
 GraphicalElement Plot.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the view of the coordinate system.
 GraphicalElement[] Plot.getCurves()
          Returns the graphical representations of all curves.
 GraphicalElement Plot.getAnnotation()
          Returns the annotation layer.
 GraphicalElement Plot.getLegend()
          Returns the graphical representations of the legend.
 GraphicalElement SimpleCurve.getView()
          Returns the graphical representation of a curve.
 GraphicalElement SimpleCurve.getLegendSymbol()
          Returns the legend symbol.
protected  GraphicalElement SquareSymbolFactory.createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates a Rectangle.
 GraphicalElement Legend.getBox()
          Returns the legend box with title but without legend symbols and curve titles.
 GraphicalElement Legend.createSymbol(int curveIndex, int numberOfCurves, SymbolFactory factory, boolean withLine, GraphicAttributes lineAttributes)
          Creates the symbol part of a legend symbol.
 GraphicalElement Legend.createCurveTitle(int curveIndex, int numberOfCurves, java.lang.String title)
          Creates the title part of a legend symbol.
 GraphicalElement Curve.getView()
          Returns the graphical representation of a curve.
 GraphicalElement Curve.getLegendSymbol()
          Returns a symbol which can be used to create the legend for the curve.
 GraphicalElement Symbol.getSymbol()
          Returns the graphical symbol.
 GraphicalElement CoordinateSystem.getView()
          Returns the graphical representation of a coordinate system.
protected  GraphicalElement CircleSymbolFactory.createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates a circle.
 GraphicalElement AbstractSymbolFactory.createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
          Creates a symbol for the legend at the specified position.
protected abstract  GraphicalElement AbstractSymbolFactory.createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates the graphical element of the plain symbol.
 GraphicalElement ErrorBarFactory.createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
          Creates the legend symbol.
 GraphicalElement BarFactory.createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
          Creates a symbol for the legend at the specified position.
protected  GraphicalElement BarFactory.createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Returns null because this method isn't needed but has to be implemented.
 GraphicalElement CartesianCoordinateSystem.getView()
          Returns the graphical representation of the coordinate system.

Methods in jcckit.plot with parameters of type GraphicalElement
 void Plot.setAnnotation(GraphicalElement annotation)
          Sets the annotation layer.

Constructors in jcckit.plot with parameters of type GraphicalElement
Symbol(GraphicalElement symbol, Hint hintForNextPoint, Hint hintForNextCurve)
          Creates an instance for the specified symbol and hints.