Uses of Class

Packages that use GraphPoint
jcckit Application and applet classes for immediate use. 
jcckit.graphic Classes for representing a plot or a chart in device independent coordinates. 
jcckit.plot Classes for generating plots and charts. 
jcckit.renderer Renderer classes. 
jcckit.transformation Classes for the transformations between data coordinates into device-independent coordinates. 

Uses of GraphPoint in jcckit

Methods in jcckit that return GraphPoint
 GraphPoint Graphics2DPlotCanvas.mapCursorPosition(int x, int y)
          Maps the cursor position onto a point in device-independent coordinates.
 GraphPoint GraphicsPlotCanvas.mapCursorPosition(int x, int y)
          Maps the cursor position onto a point in device-independent coordinates.

Uses of GraphPoint in jcckit.graphic

Methods in jcckit.graphic that return GraphPoint
 GraphPoint Polygon.getPoint(int index)
          Returns the point for the specified index.
 GraphPoint Rectangle.getCenter()
          Returns the center of this element.
 GraphPoint Text.getPosition()
          Returns the position.

Methods in jcckit.graphic with parameters of type GraphPoint
 void Polygon.addPoint(GraphPoint point)
          Adds a new point to the end of the list of points.
 void Polygon.replacePointAt(int index, GraphPoint point)
          Replaces the point at the specified index by a new one.
 boolean ClippingShape.isInside(GraphPoint point)
          Returns true if the specified point is inside this clipping shape.
 boolean ClippingRectangle.isInside(GraphPoint point)
          Returns true if the specified point is inside this rectangle.

Constructors in jcckit.graphic with parameters of type GraphPoint
Rectangle(GraphPoint center, double width, double height, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates a new instance.
Text(GraphPoint position, java.lang.String text, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates an instance with the specified parameters.
Oval(GraphPoint center, double width, double height, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates a new instance.

Uses of GraphPoint in jcckit.plot

Methods in jcckit.plot that return GraphPoint
 GraphPoint PositionHint.getPosition()
          Returns the position.
 GraphPoint PositionHint.getOrigin()
          Returns the origin.

Methods in jcckit.plot with parameters of type GraphPoint
 Symbol SymbolFactory.createSymbol(GraphPoint point, Hint hintFromPreviousPoint, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
          Creates a symbol for the specified point taking into account the specified hints.
 GraphicalElement SymbolFactory.createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
          Creates a symbol for the legend at the specified position.
 DataPoint Plot.transform(GraphPoint point)
          Transforms a point from device-independent coordinates into data coordinates.
 Hint SimpleCurve.addPoint(GraphPoint point, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
          Appends a new point to the curve if inside the clipping shape.
protected  GraphicalElement SquareSymbolFactory.createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates a Rectangle.
 Hint Curve.addPoint(GraphPoint point, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
          Appends a new point to the curve.
protected  GraphicalElement CircleSymbolFactory.createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates a circle.
 Symbol AbstractSymbolFactory.createSymbol(GraphPoint point, Hint hintFromPreviousPoint, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
          Creates a symbol.
protected  Symbol AbstractSymbolFactory.createSymbol(GraphPoint point, GraphicAttributes attributes, Hint hintForNextPoint, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
          Creates a symbol.
 GraphicalElement AbstractSymbolFactory.createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
          Creates a symbol for the legend at the specified position.
protected abstract  GraphicalElement AbstractSymbolFactory.createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Creates the graphical element of the plain symbol.
 GraphicalElement ErrorBarFactory.createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
          Creates the legend symbol.
 Symbol ErrorBarFactory.createSymbol(GraphPoint point, Hint hintFromPreviousPoint, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
          Creates either the curve symbol or the error bars.
protected  Symbol BarFactory.createSymbol(GraphPoint point, GraphicAttributes attributes, Hint hintForNextPoint, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
          Creates a bar at the specified point.
 GraphicalElement BarFactory.createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
          Creates a symbol for the legend at the specified position.
protected  GraphicalElement BarFactory.createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
          Returns null because this method isn't needed but has to be implemented.

Constructors in jcckit.plot with parameters of type GraphPoint
PositionHint(GraphPoint origin, GraphPoint position)
          Creates an instance based on two points.
CartesianCoordinateSystem(GraphPoint origin, AxisParameters xAxisParameters, AxisParameters yAxisParameters)
          Creates an instance for the specified origin and parameters of both axes.

Uses of GraphPoint in jcckit.renderer

Methods in jcckit.renderer that return GraphPoint
 GraphPoint Transformation.transformBack(int x, int y)
          Transforms a point in Java coordinates back into device-independent coordinates.

Uses of GraphPoint in jcckit.transformation

Methods in jcckit.transformation that return GraphPoint
 GraphPoint CartesianTransformation.transformToGraph(DataPoint point)
 GraphPoint Transformation.transformToGraph(DataPoint point)
          Transforms a DataPoint into a GraphPoint.

Methods in jcckit.transformation with parameters of type GraphPoint
 DataPoint CartesianTransformation.transformToData(GraphPoint point)
 DataPoint Transformation.transformToData(GraphPoint point)
          Transforms a GraphPoint into a DataPoint.

Constructors in jcckit.transformation with parameters of type GraphPoint
CartesianTransformation(boolean xLogScale, boolean yLogScale, DataPoint dataPoint1, GraphPoint graphPoint1, DataPoint dataPoint2, GraphPoint graphPoint2)
          Creates an instance from the specified reference points.