Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClippingShape
jcckit.graphic Classes for representing a plot or a chart in device independent coordinates. 
jcckit.plot Classes for generating plots and charts. 

Uses of ClippingShape in jcckit.graphic

Classes in jcckit.graphic that implement ClippingShape
 class ClippingRectangle
          Immutable class of a rectangular clipping area.

Methods in jcckit.graphic that return ClippingShape
 ClippingShape GraphicalComposite.getClippingShape()
          Returns the clipping shape.

Constructors in jcckit.graphic with parameters of type ClippingShape
GraphicalComposite(ClippingShape clippingShape)
          Creates an instance with the specified clipping shape.

Uses of ClippingShape in jcckit.plot

Methods in jcckit.plot that return ClippingShape
 ClippingShape CoordinateSystem.getClippingShape()
          Returns the clipping chape of Curves drawn on top of the coordinates system.
 ClippingShape CartesianCoordinateSystem.getClippingShape()
          Returns the clipping rectangle of specified by the axis.

Methods in jcckit.plot with parameters of type ClippingShape
 Curve CurveFactory.create(int curveIndex, int numberOfCurves, ClippingShape clippingShape, Legend legend)
          Creates a new curve instance.
 Curve SimpleCurveFactory.create(int curveIndex, int numberOfCurves, ClippingShape clippingShape, Legend legend)
          Creates an instance of SimpleCurve.

Constructors in jcckit.plot with parameters of type ClippingShape
SimpleCurve(ConfigParameters config, int curveIndex, int numberOfCurves, ClippingShape clippingShape, Legend legend)
          Creates a new curve.