3. Configuration ConceptJCCKit is highly configurable. For example, one can
This chapter explains in its sections
3.1 Accessing Configuration ParametersConfiguration parameters can be accessed from an instance of ConfigParameters. It is a read-only set of key-value pairs where the keys are strings (like in a Properties instance). The type of the value can be one of the following
For each value type two types of getter methods exist: One with only a key argument and one with a key argument and a default argument. If no key-value pair exists for the specified key the first method throws an IllegalArgumentException whereas the second method returns the default value. An exception from this rules are key-value pairs where the value is a ConfigParameters object. In this case only one get method exists which returns in any case a value even it is an empty set. 3.2 A General Purpose Factory MethodAn important key-value pair of a ConfigParameters object is the className. It denotes a fully-qualified Java class name. It is used by the factory method Factory.create(ConfigParameters) to create a new instance of that class. This factory method assumes that there is either
This general-purpose factory method together with the hierachically organized configuration parameters allows to create complex objects by just one line of code. For example, inside the constructor of the class Plot the factory method is invoked three times in order to create a CoordinateSystem , a CurveFactory, and an initial Hint. The constructors of all these objects may also call the factory method.
3.3 Sources of Configuration ParametersIn general configuration parameters are read from a persistent source. Currently Java .properties files (or more precicely Properties objects) and applet parameters are supported. But other mechanisms (e.g., XML files, data bases) can be easily incorporated because persistency of configuration data is separated from ConfigParameters.Actually ConfigParameters delegates (in accordance with the Strategy Design Pattern) the primary data access to an object which implements the interface ConfigData. ConfigParameters is responsible only for parsing the plain string value delivered by ConfigData to the requested data type (int, Color, etc.) and error handling. PropertiesBasedConfigData is an implementation of ConfigData based on a single Properties instance. A similar implementation for applets is AppletBasedConfigData. Here the Properties object is replaced by an Applet instance which has also "properties" called parameters. PropertiesBasedConfigData and AppletBasedConfigData have internally only one set of key-value pairs where both keys and values are strings. In order to simulate hierarchically organized key-value pairs a key is stored together with the keys of all its ancestors. The keys of the ancestors are separated by '/'. They form a path in the tree of configuration data.
For example, the length of the x-axis of a plot is written in a
.properties file like
How to find out which parameters are needed? Look into the Configuration Manual (PDF 180kb), Fortunately, for many parameters default values are defined. Thus only a few parameters are needed to be set. Most notable are the minimum/maximum values for both axes, i.e., plot/coordinateSystem/xAxis/minimum, plot/coordinateSystem/xAxis/maximum, plot/coordinateSystem/yAxis/minimum, and plot/coordinateSystem/yAxis/maximum (see AxisParameters.createXAxis()). 3.4 Inheritance of Configuration ParametersPropertiesBasedConfigData and AppletBasedConfigData (in general any subclass of FlatConfigData) have the nice feature of inheritance of sets of configuration parameters. This allows to define common parameters (e.g., label font for both axes) in a single place.Inheritance means that a ConfigParameters object can inherit all key-value pairs (including child ConfigParameters objects) from another ConfigParameters object in the tree of configuration parameters. Inherited parameters can be override. A ConfigParameters object can inherit from a ConfigParameters object which itself inherits from another one. The maximum level of inheritance is 20. In .properties files and applet parameters such an inheritance is stored in special key-value pairs: The key is the full path of a ConfigParameters object how wants to extends another ConfigParameters object. The value is the full path of the extended ConfigParameters object. Note, key and path have to end with '/'.
Here is an example:
(C) 2003-2004 Franz-Josef Elmer. All rights reserved. Last modified: 12/14/2004 |